Claudia Balducci for
King County Executive
King County Executive
Throughout my career I have always focused on outcomes that make a difference for the people of King County: public safety, housing and transportation. We deserve to feel and be safe in our communities – which is why I have delivered public safety solutions from support for law enforcement to crime prevention, and behavioral health responses. Our communities are growing increasingly expensive – which is why I fight for expanded access to affordable housing and convenient, sustainable transportation options.
I’m excited for the opportunity to bring my experience, perseverance and proven record to the office of County Executive.
— Claudia
Join the campaign!
In November last year, King County Executive Dow Constantine announced he will not seek re-election, opening the door for a successor to run the highest elected office in County government. Read More
PublicolaPubliCola Questions: King County Executive Candidate Claudia Balducci
The coming year will mark a major change in King County government: For the first time in 16 years, King County Executive Dow Constantine will not be on the ballot. The two leading contenders to take his place—Democrats Claudia Balducci and Girmay Zahilay—are both lawyers; both members of theRead More
The UrbanistClaudia Balducci Wants to Tackle King County’s Challenges Head-On as Executive
It’s a chilly mid-March evening in 2024 and King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci is sitting at a dinner table in a large house a stone’s throw from South Bellevue Station, the southernmost light rail stop on the initial version of the 2 Line. But instead of a meal, the table has laptopsRead More
KIRO 7Claudia Balducci to run for King County Executive
"King County Councilmember and Sound Transit Board Member Claudia Balducci announced she plans to run for the open seat of King County Executive in 2025. If she were elected to the position, it would make her the first woman to lead the state’s largest county."Read More
Capitol Hill Seattle BlogBalducci announces run for County Executive seat
”Throughout my career, I have always focused on outcomes that make a difference for the people of King County: transportation, housing and public safety. Our communities are growing increasingly expensive– which is why I fight for expanded access to affordable housing and convenient,Read More
The StrangerTransit Diehard King County Council Member Claudia Balducci Is Running for King County Executive
"On Wednesday, King County Council Member Claudia Balducci announced her candidacy for King County Executive. Her announcement came the morning after current Executive Dow Constantine announced he would not seek reelection."Read More
The Seattle TimesClaudia Balducci launches campaign for King County executive
"Claudia Balducci, a former Bellevue City Council member and mayor who has served on the Metropolitan King County Council for nearly a decade, is running for King County executive, seeking to become the first woman to lead the state’s largest county."Read More
FOX 13Claudia Balducci’s ‘Safe System’ policy to end King County traffic deaths approved
“An end to traffic deaths in King County--that’s the goal of King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci’s ‘Safe System’ policy.”Read More
The UrbanistBalducci Pushes Traffic Safety Framework for All King County Departments
“King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci is pushing for county government to step up its role in reducing traffic violence.”Read More